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时间:2022-09-08    作者:






1. 非天然蛋白及非天然氨基酸

2. 功能性蛋白基生物材料开发及神经生物学应用

3. 蛋白质定向进化及修饰

4. 蛋白质超分子自组装及神经退休性疾病诊


美国化学会(ACS)会员、美国动物护理和使用委员会(ACUC)高级动物实验师,任Biomaterials Science (IF=6.83), CrystEngComm (IF=3.71), ACS Chemical neuroscience (IF=3.68)Neurochem.Res.(IF=4.4) 等杂志审稿人。中科院西部青年学者。


1. 学习(工作)经历

2018-2021年 美国弗吉尼亚大学 博士后、助理研究员

2015-2018年 南开大学 生物化学与分子生物学博士





(1) 2021内蒙古大学高层次人才启动项目

(2) 2022内蒙古自然科学基金

(3) 2022内蒙古引进人才支持项目




 Nature methods, Nature communication, Advanced science, JACS, ACS sensors 等杂志发表论文18篇,累计影响因子大于180.

1. Yang H, Li X, Self-Assembly Chaperone Suppresses Early Progression of Alzheimer ‘s Disease in APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice. Advanced Science, 2019. (Co-first author, 一区Top IF=16.88)

2. Li, X., Zhang, Y. & Ai, H. W. Ratiometric Imaging of Mitochondrial Hydrogen Peroxide in Abeta42-Mediated Neurotoxicity. ACS Sens, doi:10.1021/acssensors.1c01381 (2022). (一区Top IF=9.8

3. Tian, X. Zhang, Y. Li,X. et al. A luciferase prosubstrate and a red bioluminescent calcium indicator to image neuronal activity. Nature Comm, 2022. (一区topIF=17.69)

4. Li X, Liu Q, Zhu D, et al. Preparation of levodopa-loaded crystalsomes through thermally induced crystallization reverses functional deficits in Parkinsonian mice[J]. Biomaterials science, 2019. (二区,IF=7.59)

5. Li X, Sun D, Li X, et al. PEGylation corannulene enhances response of stress through promoting neurogenesis[J]. Biomaterials science, 2017, 5(4): 849-859. (二区,IF=7.59)

6. Li X Y, Ma J, Xu J, et al. Puerarin and Amlodipine Improvement of d-Galactose-Induced Impairments of Behaviour and Neurogenesis in Mouse Dentate Gyrus: Correlation with Glucocorticoid Receptor Expression[J]. Neurochemical research, 2017, 42(11): 3268-3278. (三区,IF=4.41)

7. Li X, Wang H, Kuang X, et al. Exploring the effects and mechanisms of carbon nanomaterial diversity on the morphology of lysozyme crystals[J]. CrystEngComm, 2017, 19(39): 5873-5881. (二区, IF=3.78)

8. Chen Z, Zhang S, Li X, et al. A High-Performance Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Biosensor for Imaging Physiological Peroxynitrite[J]. Cell Chemical Biology, 2021. (Accepted,一区Top, IF=9.093)

9. Chen, M., Zhang, S., Xing, Y., Li, X., He, Y., Wang, Y., ... & Ai, H. W. Genetically Encoded, Photostable Indicators to Image DynamicZn2+ Secretion of Pancreatic Islets. Analytical chemistry, 91(19), 12212-12219. (一区Top, IF=6.35)

10. Ying Xiong, Yiyu Zhang, Zefan Li, Md Shamim Reza, Xinyu Li,. Engineered Amber-Emitting Nano Luciferase and Its Use for Immunobioluminescence Imaging In Vivo. J Am Chem Soc, doi:10.1021/jacs.2c02320 (2022)


